Jumat, 21 Mei 2010

Japanese Literature Make Me Awesome!!

Please please please guys don't be mad at me for not posting, blogwalking, reply your comment, or visiting your blog lately! Pheeww, this week is tiring-but fun week! I have to do presentations, tasks, quizzes, oh my! God, why did you create college??
Anyway, let me show you the happy side of this week. I have a Yukata class!
What is Yukata? Let's see what Wikipedia said :
A yukata (浴衣?) is a Japanese garment, a casual summer kimono usually made of cotton. People wearing yukata are a common sight in Japan at fireworks displays, bon-odori festivals, and other summer events. The yukata is also frequently worn after bathing at traditional Japanese inns. Though their use is not limited to after-bath wear, yukata literally means bath(ing) clothes.
Have you already understand, guys? Let's just go to pictures ;)

Love Yukata class so much! Sensei teach us how to tied the obi (Yukata's belt) manually and you can't do it your own because it's a bit difficult, so you have to work together with your friends! ;)

And another snapshots! My outfit for presentation, we bought same clothes together but in different color, we love the free ribbon necklace!
And you know whaaaaattt?? The presentation was SUCCESSFULL! Yeah, baby ;)

Do you love my vintage skirt? I hope so, because I love it soooo much!!

  • Orange Top (*free Necklace), bought at bazaar, Rp. 35.000
  • Vintage Floral Skirt, Online shop Baju L-Xl, Rp. 25.000 (Like usual, GREAT CHEAP LOVELY Online Shop! ;P)
  • White Wedges, made by order

I hope you dig my rendition,
Hello from Indonesia!


Sabtu, 15 Mei 2010

Some Happiness in LIFE

"Being with people we love is an incredible thing, and a quality time for some hours is better than anything."

That's me a few days ago. I went to Mall Taman Anggrek with two people I miss MOST, my boyfriend and my best friend. Actually, they're both my best friend ever :) Me and my friend Yemima, are best friends since high school, so do my boyfriend, Rizki Aditya ;) Lucky I'm in love with my best friend, am I? 

We watched a movie, tried many foods, craziing around, and did photoshoots for my new blog's header! What a day, and there's some picture of silly triplet!

And this is my original picture for header

I love how did I look that day. I got Britney on my shirt! ;p

  • Britney Spears batwing top, Mangga Dua, Rp. 115.000
  • Jeans Mini Skirt, Segundo En Linea, Rp. 25.000 (Psst, another GREAT Online Shop!!)
  • Dark Blue Tights, Rp. 85.000
  • Ankle Boots, Pacman Boots, Rp. 160.000 

    That day is so beautiful. Oh no I'm already missing them again -______-
    Some happiness in LIFE, LOVE and BEST FRIENDS :)

    I hope you dig my rendition,
    Hello from Indonesia


    Rabu, 12 Mei 2010


    Hey-Ho, people ;)
    Geez, fully nervous when I write this post. I've ever did some D.I.Y projects, but this is the first I did it to published. May this be something good and worthy, I hope ;)

    Okay, let's start. 

    1. I have a oversized jeans, plain and ugly!
    2. All that I need is just a bleach, I bought Bayklin on nearly minimart, only Rp. 2.900
    3. Don't forget rubber gloves ;)

    Let's get the bleaching started! ;)
    First, soak jeans in a bucket of water.
    Next is the funniest part, draw your pattern!! ;) I did some abstract-y pattern to get the  boyish look. Wait for a minute for color-turning.

    *In a cheapy jeans, bleach turns it's color to yellow-y. Better jeans turns white-y. I use the cheap one because I want it looks faded.

    After that, give it a turn on washing machine ;)

    Finish? Not yet!  Give it a magic touch... By fold the jeans tip up two or three times!

    Look alike? Or not? Not as gorgeous as her, I think -_____-

    At least, this is my best!! :) Easy funny D.I.Y, may it can helps you get more fashioned ;) See ya next post!

    I hope you dig my rendition
    Hello from Indonesia!


    Sabtu, 08 Mei 2010

    *This Blog Are (NO LONGER) Under Renovation*

    "First of all, I want to thank so much to all of my blog visitors, all fabulous people that following my blog, and for cool website advertised in my blog (you guys should check it out!). Aww, I never imagined my blog would get such a good response (consider the fact my blog is 1-month-aged). You all are AWESOME and I LOVE Y'ALL!!
    And now, with a little bit of sadness, I have to give y'all a bad layout -___- and maybe sometimes messy-organized. I changed my layout to default (actually my boyfriend did it), and try to get my blog prettier ;)
    I promise I'll back with much much better than this one, I'm hoping for your supports! :)"

    HEY HOOOOOO!!!!!!

    What do you think, people? ;)
    I hope with new layout will support this blog's progress, I can reach my goal to help other chubby girl to get fashioned, and make every girl love themselves for what they are :)
    Please keep following me and wait for my next posts! :)

    Captured and edited by me ;)

    Have a nice day people,


    Jumat, 07 Mei 2010

    Just Some Spills From My Snapshots

    Actually since few months ago I've been collected many pictures of myself to post it on my own fashion blog, but, I don't know why I never have enough mood and time to made a blog back then. Now when I already have one, I tend to post my latest picture, so it's like my previous pictures I've collected seems neglected.

    And yeah, I feel terrible about that :( It seems unfair to myself and my camera, I guess ;p
    So, as I still compile some stuff for my next post, I think I'd be fun to share some of my style to you!

    #1 I don't really know what this stuff actually called -__-" anyone? ;) Anyway, I got my vintage looks on it ;p Legging + Leopard Shoes? PERFECT MATCH!! x)

    Buy this dress from Lemari OnlineShop (psst* another GREAT shop), Rp. 37.000

    #2 Why do I look so smart and serious in this one? Bahaha xD But it's so simple and comfy ;) I love my chain bag so much, so vintage!

    #3 Narcissism attacked me!! Look at people behind me, and I still don't care anyway and took picture ;p I think I worn this stuff too plain, but I love the way that cute simple bag hanged on my shoulder :)

    #4 Hang out with mum ;p We love to shop together, spending money to buy cosmetics, clothes, shoes, anything! So much fun, and cuz I know we'll walked around the mall, I picked out my Crocs shoes to worn. They're so light and comfy. Ready, set, go!! ;)

    #5 My mum took this! Cute isn't it? ;) Matched with my outfit, simple t-shirt and jade armlet, the leopard bag are ready to hunt those horse! Rrooarrrrr xD And I think I love scarfs way too much ;p

    #6 Go green!! Love this green blazer soo much :) Military vintage look, sooo cool! I made it not too rag by combine it with my nude flatshoes and bag. *psst, that shoes is my FAVE! x)

    This cool blazer I bought from BlesZer Zakkaya , Rp. 40.000

    #7 Yaaay! Date goes stripe-y! I took this picture at campus after class, while my boy waited at lobby ;p Just a shot before romeo picked me up, shall we? ;)

    #8 Khaki Look!! I love the way this blazer brightened my skin tone ;) Again and again, nude flatshoes and lovely nude bag xD So yes, I'm in love with blazer and scarf ;)

    Don't you think this blazer is cute? I bought this at White Witches Wardrobe only with Rp.16.000

    #9 Look sporty but cute? Yes I'd love to!! ;) So jeans-y with Levi's sneakers, skinny jeans and jeans vest, but not forgot to give a lovely touch with unique necklace ;)

    I bought this cool jeans vest at Patrice Hippopo only with Rp. 15.000! *the package was soo cute, and smells so good when it arrived at my room! x)

    That's it! Some spills from my picture album. Well, don't get too serious about those snapshots. That's just my daily wear ;) But I'd love to hear what you guys think, please leave comments ;)
    Now me, with my boy's help (thank you honey, cups!), we're still working on my new blog's templates and some project (if my hits statistic is keep growing, I'll open columns for ads and sponsor! ;)

    So please please please, keep loving and following me! x)
    Always hoping you guys dig my rendition,

    Senin, 03 Mei 2010

    Exam Week Have Their Fashion Too!!


    Hello girls, already miss me? Miss me please please please!! ;p Well, it's me again with another fashion news and fashion attacks!! Gyahahaha *over reacted*
    Ha, can you guess why I am so excited?? YEAAAHHH!!! My mid-term exam is OVER!! OVER BEYBEH!! Hasta La Vista!! Sayonara!! Au Revoir!! *again and again, over reacted*

    Okay, enough with the stupidity above, let's just end this hectic week with reviewing some perky style!!
    DAY #1 Trying to pictured like celebs snapshot while take a walk in Manhattan, but it's not working with BAJAJ and 'gerobak bakso' as the background -_____- huaa~~

    DAY 2# aaa cute! Innocence look hahaha. Cute scarf also, isn't it? ;p This picture taken on my old place's corridor. Just two days ago I've moving but I miss my old room already :(

    DAY 3# Actually, It wasn't my outfit to go to campus. This picture taken at Grand Aquilla Hotel Bandung, mom and dad take me there on the middle of exam's week. While other people struggling with their textbook, I was taking picture on hotel's room. GREAT ;)

    Btw, this cutie look blazer I bought from White Witches Wardrobe , another SUPER CHEAP GREAT online shop, only with Rp. 16.000!!

    Day 4# Sporty look? Yes I am! :) Glee-ing pose with my pals, and I show you my round-dy face when I smoothed my hair! What a day ;)

    DAY 5# NEW FLAT SHOES!! The Little Things She Needs, remember the red one that I bought at MOI? It's sooo comfortable, and I love to combine it with my lovely red backpack :) Simple but cute isn't it? ;p

    DAY 6# MARVELOUS DAY!! Why? Because of MY NEW ANKLE BOOTS!! It just've arrived and I can't stand to wear it the next day. Gorgeous isn't it? Aaaw melted ~.~ I love the paterned legging too, rawk!!

    The ankle boots I bought it from Pacman Boots , hand made with greaaatttt result! Rp. 160.000

    DAY 7# LAST DAY!! Rough day and I'm on a hurry, so I pick up my stuff quickly and randomly. But, not bad isn't it? Legging going well with tied blazer! Wearing glasses? Yeah, that's a sign that I'm in a hurry ~.~

    Soooo, here's the result ladyy, how do you think?

    Too bad I can't make this photo combine the good quality one, I'm using PhotoScape because I'm not good at PhotoShop things x(

    But, please telling me, how do I look this week?

    I hope you dig my rendition
    Waiting for your feedback