My name's Ayu Reni Nova Dewita, aged 20. I live in Jakarta, Indonesia and now studying Japanese Literature in college. I'm half Javanese-half Balinese. I love my family so much, I also interests in long lasts friendship and having so much people who cares about me, and I thank God of that.

I love singing, writing, and of course fashioning around. I love to mix fashion stuffs, and create a style that makes chubby me looks good. My ambition for fashion in this blog is to share about my fashion sense, telling other chubby girl not to be afraid to get fashioned. Make every girls love themselves whatever they are, it's my pleasure to do.

I would love to connect with others who has same interests as I do. I also gladly accepts anyone who wants to advertise in my blog*

*feel free to contact me: ayureni.novadewita@gmail.com

I hope you dig my rendition,
Hello from Indonesia!!
