Kamis, 29 April 2010

Oh My God I'm Exhausted

Yes, as I wrote at the title, I'm really really exhausted this whole week.
Well, like I've said on my previous post, I'm on my mid-term-exam right now. Few days ago my dad and my mom came to see me, as my dad finished his duty course in Lembang, Bandung. Actually I love spare my times with them. BUT, Come on, I'm on my exam week, so, even I'm having fun for a while outside, I'll get more stressed out when I got home. Ouch!
Moreover, I have 4 day straight exam schedule. Oh, God, very very tiring -____-
Tomorrow is History, and I'm struggling with boring 'full of war' words. Ugh!!
By the way, I've just bought a animal print legging and a SO ADORABLE FLAT SHOES! I've found a cute store at MOI, The Little Things She Needs and the store held a promotion, Rp. 199.000 for 2 pair of candy color shoes!
Let's check out what's on my shopping bag :

See? The green one is for my little sister :) Can't wait to wear them and mixed it with my other stuff! x) Oh, I'll post my style during my exam week soon. Stay tuned!!

Oh, I still got few pages again to read. I gotta go :)
I hope you dig my rendition. Bye Cups!

Selasa, 20 April 2010

When I'm too tired to study

Yeah, it's me again.
Haha, I broke my promise with myself for not blogging this entire week because I've gotta study. But, study's a crazy thing ya know! I've just made a resume for grammar , and continuing my mind map for history, but this red notebook and internet always tease me up! Grr >.<>

Okay, now talk about what I'll share to you guys today, that I've found a GREAT stuff to disguise our big arm! Mostly chubby girls have problems with their arm, and arm is the most difficult part to get smaller only with diet. So do my arm!

See? I have a fat arm! Ugh o.O

That stuff is LATEX/SEMI LATEX CROPPED BLAZER. I got this style inspired from my best singer ever, Lady Gaga and Rihanna. This stuff make our body look more upright, looks stonger also and of course, chubby lady, SLIMMER!! Haha.
If you have a lot of money, lady, you can buy the latex one. It's more shiny and thick, the price is about Rp. 90.000 - Rp. 200.000, but if you wanna save your money, you can buy the semi latex one, it's cool also, only not too shiny and more light. The price is about Rp. 45.000 - Rp. 80.000.
Me? Oh, I prefer to save my money hehehe ;p I bought semi latex one only Rp. 60.000 by shopping online. It colored grey, and zippery one, and it's so COOL!

This is the blazer. Cool, isn't it? First time the package delivered in my room, I was so excited to try it. I was scared if it didn't fit in me, but... VOILA!! Now this stuff become the most frequently used by me ;) I can blend it with many style and many fashion stuff, you can see on the picture below ;P

On Holiday Vacation.. ;p

Campus life ;)
Even on a DATE! x)

See? I love this stuff so much. My arm look slimmer and it make effect to my body so MUCH! For me, arm is the most difficult body parts to disguised when it's getting bigger. Fat tummy, we can press it with corset. Big tight, we can use tutu skirt to disguise it. But arm? I mean, there's hard for me to disguise it, even behind a batwing sleeves or any other loose sleeves, it's just make my arm look bigger. So, I strongly recommend to you girls who has a big arm like me, THIS ITEM IS A MUST HAVE!!


  • Rp. 59.000, Cropped Blazer, Kayruka Shop (Another COOL OnlineShop!! all Affordable and Fashionable, of course!!)
  • Rp. 30.000, Black Jeans Tank Top, RB Kendari (Secondhand Market, greatt stuff with greatt price! But beware of ur wallet, and don't 4get to bargain ;p)
  • Rp. 15.000, Agogo OnlineShop (My own OnlineShop actually, hihi ;p)
  • Rp. 125.000, Skinny Jeans, Imported from HongKong
  • Rp. 95.000, Leopard Shoulder Bag, Centro Dept. Store.


  • Rp. 145.000, Green Batik Dress, Batik Keris (On sale that time ;p)
  • Rp. 50.000, Little Sling Bag MNG (KW), Mangga Dua

*Some of my stuff above I've already mention the prices and shops on my previous post, so if you wanna know the detail, please read my previous post ;)

Be waiting for my next post!
I hope you dig my rendition :) Keep Fashioned!!

Sabtu, 17 April 2010


P.S : I made it last night but lost my internet connection, so I post it the next day :) I hope you dig my rendition :)

Hey nite, girls.
Yeah it's me again, tonight I was too bored to do my homeworks and papers, I'm not sleepy yet cuz I wanna make a call with my boyfriend, but rite now he's still studying, so I think it's better to clear up my full-of-toughts mind by blogging ;p
Next week I have a mid term test, they're 7 subjects. I gotta do many things, I gotta study, I'm tired, and I'm sleepless but hardly to sleep. I live in, hmm, in Indonesia they call it 'KOS', a room you can rent and you pay every month, you live in a building or house that have many rooms. Maybe we can call it cheap apartment hahah x)
My room isn't soundproof and unfortunately I live in the front room near the stairs to 2nd floor, so I have to stand of other girls with their friends squeaks, VERY ANNOYING footsteps, and the crowd outside. That's stressed me out.
I also miss my boyfriend VERY MUCH. Me and him are lives in different areas, I usually spent my saturday night with him, but, not this saturday cuz next week we're on mid test so we gotta study (what a diligent couple hahaha)

Yeah well, we better get to the point of my post tonight ;p
I wanna talk about family. Few weeks ago on my mom's birthday, we gather together in Jakarta with my grandma and aunties (my dad's family) and celebrate her birthday. That day was so rough because there's some personal problems, but yet so happy because it's my mom's birthday. My mom is a beautiful woman, my dad is a brave man. I have one lil sister and one lil brother, and I love them all :)
My beloved family :)

What I wanna share is, girl, even for family hang outs, we've gotta watch our style. You don't have to get too much, but also don't be too plain. One thing, in family gathering you better keep your courtesy. Don't use too sexy clothes, too short pants, mini skirt, and make up too much. You're the kids, or you're the grandma? ;p

Get back to my family gathering few months ago, I love my outfit soo much ;) I'm crazily in love with blazer rite now, It make me look more glamor and vintageous, BUT ALSO make my chubby shape look SLIMMER :)

Here we are... Happy Birthday Mom!! :) Love youu :)

Yes, as can you see above, there's some places :) At my auntie's home, Airport (one of my auntie was going back to Bali) and then Mall Of Indonesia :) My favorite one? OF COURSE Mall Of Indonesia hahaha. I love shopping with my family because I don't have to pay by myself *crafty haha
Confessions Of Shopaholic ;p

So, what's in my shopping bag?

Yeah here they are, I love the legging so much, even it's more expensive than other leggings I usually bought, but it's soo comfort. Worth with the price ;p My boyfriend love the stripes one, and I haven't wear the animal printed one ;p

Oh, about my outfit that day, we haven't talked about it do we? Okay here it is :)

I love the blazer so much :)
Love the bag and the belt too >.<


BLAZER. The blazer is extremely cute isn't it? It makes me look slimmer, and I love the dark blue color so much! Now boyfriend blazer or girlie blazer are so BOOMING. If you want to follow my style, its better if you choose BOYFRIEND BLAZER, because it's bigger and longer and have a great way with leggings ;)
LEGGINGS. Again and again, this is my favorite fashion stuff in clothes. We can blend it with many style, whether with T-Shirt or Dress. And make our legs shape seen clearly and slim. MUST HAVE ITEM ON YOUR WARDROBE!!
BELT. It's a little part of this style, but I think it's the most important one ;p Because it can 'buttoning' up my unbuttoned blazer, but if you guys wear buttoned blazer, this item is no longer needed I think :)
SHOULDER BAG. I choose big shoulder bag that time because I gotta bring many things. But if you wanna bring a little one, yes you can :) But remember, keep it match with your blazer's color okay :)
WEDGES. Gyaaa, I love this one! Makes me look taller, wedges also never hurt my legs and make me tired because it resisted all of our weight and build up my style! Again and again, keep it match with your Blazer's color, and wear comfortable wedges! :)
  • Rp. 35.ooo for Blazer, Mine Shop Full (Another SUPER CHEAP OnlineShop, with fashionable stuff and great service, visit it! ;p)
  • Rp. 70.000 for Leggings, Mangga Dua
  • Rp. 25.000 for Belt, Pasar Kumbasari, Denpasar-Bali
  • Rp. 50.000 for Shoulder Bag, Bandung Trade Centre, Bandung
  • Rp. 150.000 for White Wedges, made by order :)
That's it girl, even with your family you can still look fabulous, don't you? :)
My family problems haven't cleared until now but, I know we can get trough this all. I love my family, and you have too, girls! Family is the greatest gift God gives us, beside Love and Friendship :) So you have to love them all, keep them, and be fair to share your careness and love.
Trust me, in that way, your life will be more meaningfull :)

See ya girls, Good Night :)

Jumat, 16 April 2010

Shopping is a Sin?

Hahaha, why I wrote that title?
Well, that's because now I have no money, while more online shop add me on Facebook and more brand are on sale now -___- Graawr, I feel so grimly wanna buy them all!!

I admit that I have a blind eye on shopping, I do ever bought a shirt only because I love the cute drawing on that shirt, and ignoring the fact that my size is M, I bought the S size because there's only size left. Ridiculous isn't it? That time I just think 'Gah, easy Ayu, after this when you got home, you can do a diet for 2 months and voila! This shirt 'll fit on you!'

Yes, I know. Super SILLY thought -______-
Cause when I got home, I put that shirt on my cupboard, my mom called me 'Ayuu, come on the dinner's ready!! And rarararaaaa!!! Full tummy, go to bed, an in the morning, my weight grow 2 kilos -__________-

I also ever bought a cute shoes with my weekly money (I supposed to use that money for foods) only because it's on a SALE, Limited edition, and it's only one of them *the seller said. So, what's the purpose? BEING A BEGGAR FOR A WEEK. I use my savings secretly from my parents (I didn't want to ask them for more money) to buy foods, what a sacrifice for fashion! Hahaha. And you know what, the funny part is, next month after all those miserable time passed and I've already collect money again, I went to Centro (name of one of department store in Indonesia, they sell many fabulous fashion stuff!!) AND I SAW THAT CUTE SHOES THERE. STILL HAVE MANY STOCKS. MANY COLOR. AND IT'S NOT LIMITED EDITION LIKE THE SELLER SAID TO ME A MONTH AGO.

So, YES, Shopping is a Sin.

But I can't handle it! I still extremely in love with shopping. But now, I always try and try to be a smart shopper. I throw away my 'You-can-diet-later-Ayu' mind, I hold my shopping hunger and try to mix fashion stuffs that I have, so I can use a stuff repeatedly with many style! That's so much fun and you should try, girls! My internet and Google also help me, at night before I go to sleep or in the morning after I take a bath, I often browse and search for many style in Google picture ;) It helps so much, when I want to wear vest, for example, I just had to type the keyword 'Vest' or 'How to wear vest' and VOILA! Many pictures of vest style appeared, I just have to choose and match it with fashion stuff that I have :)

This is the picture I choose for the Google picture result for keywords 'How to wear vest'

And that's me after mix it with my stuff ;) *much uglier than the celeb's pics above, I know that, but that's okay with me ;p

So, for you guys who wanna follow this style, what's the formula?
1. T-Shirts I think any kind of T-shirt, is it plain or printed, any color is okay :)
Of course! This is the main ingredient, isn't it? There are many kind of vest, from boyish to girlie, even the military one! x) It's up to you to wear any kind, BUT keep it match with your inner. For us hey chubby girl, I suggest you to have the BLACK simple one, don't to much beads, fringe or sumthing, except if your inner just one plain color (white, blue, green, etc) ONE MORE THING, if your vest are patterned vest, because you're CHUBBY, don't use printed shirt or patterned shirt too!! It's only make your body look 'full' and, so sorry to say, fat -____-

Yupps, this item are soo BOOMING right now! Especially in Indonesia. Legging make our legs shape look more clearly, and in some ways for chubby girl, it make us look slimmer ;p *TIPS : Wear longer shirt that could covered your bottom, because wearing legging means our shape seen very clearly, so do our bottom. You guys don't want every eyes staring at your bottom when you're walking do ya?
Gladiator Sandals, why? No reason because they're SIMPLY CUTE!! :)

4. The last, the littlest part of this style, but also the CUTEST part of this style! and that is CHAIN HANDLE BAG!! Kawaii, this bag is soo vintageous, yet so fashionable! My favourite hang out bag EVER!! x)

For all of this I spent :
  • Rp. 50.000 for Monalisa T-Shirt, Plaza Semanggi
  • Rp. 80.000 for Vestige Vest, Distro
  • Rp. 30.000 for Gladiator Sandals, Fiza Shoes (near my campus LOL)
  • Rp. 100.000 for Black Legging, Tommy Hilfiger, Mall Of Indonesia (on Sale that time ;p)
  • Rp. 25.000 for Vintage Bag, Mont Blanc, Secondhanded, BlesZer Shop (Klik the link so you can visit the shop!! Fabulous secondhand shop with super CHEAP price! Affordable >.<)
Okay girl, I guess I've mummbling to much ;p Thank you for visiting my blog, and I hope you dig my rendition :) See ya girl, keep fashioned!!

Kamis, 15 April 2010

First Blast!!

Hey you girls, anywhere in this world ;p
Hmm, what I've gotta say? Let me introduce myself maybe ;)
My name's Ayu, I'm an Indonesian, I'm 18 years old (and 'll be 19 at November)
Now I'm studying at college taking Japanese literature, well, why? First, because I hate math (Haha), 2nd, because I love how Japanese people act, speak, and their credibility for life, it's just amazing :), 3rd, because Japanese foods is delicious (rubber tummy LOL) and the last, I just feels amazed cuz Japanese youngsters are so fashioned, and they're brave to mix many kind of fashion stuff and the result is, well, for me, CUTE!! *or KAWAII on Japanese ;P

So guys, can you guess why I'm made a fashion blog and decided to be a fashion blogger? ;)
Well, the first thing is because I'm CHUBBY. and a few months ago I AM FAT. You guys can distinguish a CHUBBY and a FAT means don't ya? Well yeah I do diet and I reduce my meal portions, I drink no caffeine, no milk, I drink a lot of water and juices, I eat only vegetables, chicken, and fish (no beef, no mutton) And that's the GREATEST diet I've ever did! I can still eat many delicious food (I love grilled fish and grilled chicken so much), I feel fresh everyday cuz I've juices and drink many waters, I feel great!! My old clothes fit in my body again, and my jeans starts loose-fitting ;) and I'm extremely happy for that!! That make an effect to my boyfriend too, he become more often to call me 'Beauty' ;)

Yess.. that's before I do a diet *Gosh how fat >.< Yess, that's me now >.<>

Hahaha, yeah that's me girl. Now I become more confidence to use many other fashion stuff, but I'm still a chubby girl ;p I love shopping so much, I love to mix and match all of my fashion stuff, I love to collect my photos with my best friend and my boyfriend ;) I also have my blog with my boyfriend, we talked about love, relationship, and so on :) I'll add the link soon so you guys can visit it ;)

And you other chubby girl, easy, now you don't have to be ashamed if you wanna get fashioned! We can still look good in our body shape, even we don't have super-silky-white-skin, blond hair, supermodel body, or even if we don't have much money!! I'll share it to you all girl, I hope you dig my rendition :)

That's all for now, wait for my next daily wear post ;)
Yo, chubby girl,