Jumat, 16 April 2010

Shopping is a Sin?

Hahaha, why I wrote that title?
Well, that's because now I have no money, while more online shop add me on Facebook and more brand are on sale now -___- Graawr, I feel so grimly wanna buy them all!!

I admit that I have a blind eye on shopping, I do ever bought a shirt only because I love the cute drawing on that shirt, and ignoring the fact that my size is M, I bought the S size because there's only size left. Ridiculous isn't it? That time I just think 'Gah, easy Ayu, after this when you got home, you can do a diet for 2 months and voila! This shirt 'll fit on you!'

Yes, I know. Super SILLY thought -______-
Cause when I got home, I put that shirt on my cupboard, my mom called me 'Ayuu, come on the dinner's ready!! And rarararaaaa!!! Full tummy, go to bed, an in the morning, my weight grow 2 kilos -__________-

I also ever bought a cute shoes with my weekly money (I supposed to use that money for foods) only because it's on a SALE, Limited edition, and it's only one of them *the seller said. So, what's the purpose? BEING A BEGGAR FOR A WEEK. I use my savings secretly from my parents (I didn't want to ask them for more money) to buy foods, what a sacrifice for fashion! Hahaha. And you know what, the funny part is, next month after all those miserable time passed and I've already collect money again, I went to Centro (name of one of department store in Indonesia, they sell many fabulous fashion stuff!!) AND I SAW THAT CUTE SHOES THERE. STILL HAVE MANY STOCKS. MANY COLOR. AND IT'S NOT LIMITED EDITION LIKE THE SELLER SAID TO ME A MONTH AGO.

So, YES, Shopping is a Sin.

But I can't handle it! I still extremely in love with shopping. But now, I always try and try to be a smart shopper. I throw away my 'You-can-diet-later-Ayu' mind, I hold my shopping hunger and try to mix fashion stuffs that I have, so I can use a stuff repeatedly with many style! That's so much fun and you should try, girls! My internet and Google also help me, at night before I go to sleep or in the morning after I take a bath, I often browse and search for many style in Google picture ;) It helps so much, when I want to wear vest, for example, I just had to type the keyword 'Vest' or 'How to wear vest' and VOILA! Many pictures of vest style appeared, I just have to choose and match it with fashion stuff that I have :)

This is the picture I choose for the Google picture result for keywords 'How to wear vest'

And that's me after mix it with my stuff ;) *much uglier than the celeb's pics above, I know that, but that's okay with me ;p

So, for you guys who wanna follow this style, what's the formula?
1. T-Shirts I think any kind of T-shirt, is it plain or printed, any color is okay :)
Of course! This is the main ingredient, isn't it? There are many kind of vest, from boyish to girlie, even the military one! x) It's up to you to wear any kind, BUT keep it match with your inner. For us hey chubby girl, I suggest you to have the BLACK simple one, don't to much beads, fringe or sumthing, except if your inner just one plain color (white, blue, green, etc) ONE MORE THING, if your vest are patterned vest, because you're CHUBBY, don't use printed shirt or patterned shirt too!! It's only make your body look 'full' and, so sorry to say, fat -____-

Yupps, this item are soo BOOMING right now! Especially in Indonesia. Legging make our legs shape look more clearly, and in some ways for chubby girl, it make us look slimmer ;p *TIPS : Wear longer shirt that could covered your bottom, because wearing legging means our shape seen very clearly, so do our bottom. You guys don't want every eyes staring at your bottom when you're walking do ya?
Gladiator Sandals, why? No reason because they're SIMPLY CUTE!! :)

4. The last, the littlest part of this style, but also the CUTEST part of this style! and that is CHAIN HANDLE BAG!! Kawaii, this bag is soo vintageous, yet so fashionable! My favourite hang out bag EVER!! x)

For all of this I spent :
  • Rp. 50.000 for Monalisa T-Shirt, Plaza Semanggi
  • Rp. 80.000 for Vestige Vest, Distro
  • Rp. 30.000 for Gladiator Sandals, Fiza Shoes (near my campus LOL)
  • Rp. 100.000 for Black Legging, Tommy Hilfiger, Mall Of Indonesia (on Sale that time ;p)
  • Rp. 25.000 for Vintage Bag, Mont Blanc, Secondhanded, BlesZer Shop (Klik the link so you can visit the shop!! Fabulous secondhand shop with super CHEAP price! Affordable >.<)
Okay girl, I guess I've mummbling to much ;p Thank you for visiting my blog, and I hope you dig my rendition :) See ya girl, keep fashioned!!

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